Frequently asked questions. Don’t see yours? Let me know via the contact tab.
I think I will like Code Billy. What should I do?
You should go to your local bookstore and ask them to order it for you. Wait 5-10 days. Go back to the bookstore. It should be there. For those who ain’t got time for that, there’s also this handy website:
For those of you who really prefer all the conveniences of the modern age, just click here. Or here.
Then tell all your friends and family how great it is and get them to get the book too.
I think Code Billy seems pretty dumb and I doubt I will like it. What should I do?
You should go to and buy 3 copies for every enemy you have. Then you will need to train. I suggest a dynamic approach that incorporates strength, cardio, and skills-based training. Then when your order arrives, trick your enemies into meeting with you (probably best to do this one at a time), and then bring three copies to said meeting. Toss one copy high into the air and while your enemy is tracking the flight of that book, pancake their head with the other two copies, then run off cackling. Repeat that process with your additional enemies. Also, stop hanging around my website.
What’s with the woodchuck on the homepage?
It’s a marmot. For crying out loud.